Quantitative Tools
Throughout my career, I’ve developed tools and published papers to help researchers conduct different types of behavioral economic analyses. Below are some of the tools I’ve developed.
R Packages
beezdemand: Behavioral Economic (be) Easy (ez) Demand
An R package containing commonly used functions for analyzing behavioral economic demand data.
Behavioral economic demand is gaining in popularity. The motivation behind beezdemand was to create an alternative tool to conduct these analyses. This package is not necessarily meant to be a replacement for other softwares; rather, it is meant to serve as an additional tool in the behavioral economist’s toolbox. It is meant for researchers to conduct behavioral economic (be) demand the easy (ez) way.
Kaplan, B. A., Gilroy, S. P., Reed. D. D., Koffarnus, M. N., & Hursh, S. R. (2019). The R package beezdemand: Behavioral Economic Easy Demand. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 42(1), 163-180. doi: 10.1007/s40614-018-00187-7
beezdiscounting: Behavioral Economic (be) Easy (ez) Discounting
An R package containing commonly used functions for analyzing behavioral economic discounting data.
Facilitates some of the analyses performed in studies of behavioral economic discounting. The package supports scoring of the 27-Item Monetary Choice Questionnaire (see Kaplan et al., 2016; https://doi.org/10.1007/s40614-016-0070-9), calculating k values (Mazur’s simple hyperbolic and exponential) using nonlinear regression, calculating various Area Under the Curve (AUC) measures, plotting regression curves for both fit-to-group and two-stage approaches, checking for unsystematic discounting (Johnson & Bickel, 2008; https://doi.org/10.1037/1064-1297.16.3.264) and scoring of the minute discounting task (see Koffarnus & Bickel, 2014; https://doi.org/10.1037/a0035973) using the Qualtrics 5-trial discounting template (see the Qualtrics Minute Discounting User Guide; https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.26495.79527), which is also available as a .qsf
file in this package.
Shiny Apps
shinybeez: A Shiny App for Behavioral Economic (be) Easy (ez) Demand and Discounting
shinybeez is an R Shiny app that allows analyses and visualizations of behavioral economic demand and discounting data. It relies on the beezdemand and beezdiscounting R packages. In addition to a comprehensive user guide, template files, and dark mode toggle, shinybeez includes the following features:
Exportable descriptive table of demand data (mean, median, sd, proportion of zeros, etc.)
Exportable empirical measures of demand data (Intensity, BP0, BP1, Omax, Pmax)
Exportable table of systematic response sets (customizable bounce, trend, reversals from zero criteria)
Exportable table of regression results (Q0, \(\alpha\), R2, derived and exact Omax, Pmax)
Exportable plot in APA format of demand data and best-fit lines (customizable plot title, axis title text, pseudo-log axes) in png, pdf, svg, and more
Option to calculate descriptive and regression results by a grouping variable
Choose between the exponential model of demand or the exponentiated model of demand
Select various k values (1-4, individual k, fitted k, empirical range of data)
Choose between Fit to Group (pooled), Fit to Group (mean), and Two Stage
Choose between conducting nonlinear regression, scoring the 27-Item Monetary Choice Questionnaire (MCQ), the 5-trial minute task for delay discounting, and the 5-trial minute task for probability discounting
Exportable table of systematic response sets (Johnson & Bickel, 2008)
Choose between Mazur’s (1987) simple hyperbolic discounting model or the exponential model of discounting
Exportable plot in APA format of discounting data and best-fit lines (customizable plot title, axis title text, log x-axis) in png, pdf, svg, and more
Score the 27-Item MCQ identically to that of the 27-Item MCQ Automated Scorer in Microsoft Excel
Choose various methods to impute missing data for the 27-Item MCQ
Choose between no transformation, log10, transformation, and natural log transformation
Exportable table of MCQ results (overall, small, medium, large, and geomean (i.e., composite) k values; overall, small, medium, large, and composite consistency; overall, small, medium, and large proportion of LDR/LL chosen; and the imputation method)
Exportable table of summary statistics (mean, sd, sem)
Exportable table of correlations between small, medium, and large magnitudes
Exportable table of imputed data when imputing missing data
Exportable plot in APA format of proportion of SIR/SS choices by k value rank
Exportable plot in APA format of box plot of k values
Kaplan, B. A. & Reed, D. D. (accepted). Shinybeez: A Shiny app for Behavioral Economic Easy Demand and Discounting. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
Other Tools
Kaplan, B. A., Lemley, S. M., Reed, D. D., & Jarmolowicz, D. P. (2014) 21- and 27-item Monetary Choice Questionnaire automated scorer [Microsoft Excel].
Kaplan, B. A. & Reed, D. D. (2014) Essential value, Pmax, and Omax automated calculator [Microsoft Excel].